Cincinnati Children’s Neurology Faculty Author New Pediatric Neurology Textbook

Director of the Cincinnati Children’s Division of Neurology Andrew Hershey, MD, PhD, and other neurology faculty at Cincinnati Children’s recently authored a new textbook, Current Diagnosis & Treatment | Pediatric Neurology. The book provides the latest evidence-based methods for diagnosing and treating a wide range of neurologic disorders in infants, children and adolescents.

The text is a practical, up-to-date, well-referenced resource that includes summaries and detailed descriptions of the latest guidelines and treatment recommendations. Each chapter is written by Cincinnati Children’s neurology experts in their subspecialty.

The book’s nearly 50 chapters cover a wide range of information, including:

  • Cardinal manifestations of neurologic disease
  • Developmental disorders
  • Diseases of the spinal cord, peripheral nerve and muscle
  • Epilepsy and disorders of consciousness
  • Major categories of neurologic disease
  • Pain and other disorders of somatic sensation

The book addresses many new advances in pediatric neurology while remaining relevant to trainees, physicians preparing for board exams and general practitioners wanting a quick reference guide for clinical care. It is available in paperback and on Kindle.

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